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very good service

M*****n Young
Delivered as expected. I will definitely use your company again.

F*****c Lacroix
Thanks for your kwick survis and delivery everything fit 10 out of 10 this is the second time i have ordered with yourselves and will continue to order for yourselves again ????

R*****R W
All ways very good services, we have used this family run company for over 20 years and never disappointed. Keep up the good work

G*****n Mulvihill-
Quick service and product very well wrapped

M*****l Kitchen

T*****r Cook

Hunter INGLENOOK [High Output] Spares

List of HUNTER INGLENOOK (High Output) replacement stove | roomheater spares.  

Discounted Ashpans, Riddle | Riddling Firebars, Grates, Door Glasses, Gaskets & Rope Kits, Baffle / Throatplates, Cam Bars.... to suit the Hunter HINGLENOOK (High Output)

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HHW05033 Hunter RIDDLING BAR LOWER | Herald Compact 5 | Herald 5 slimline | Herald 8 slimline | Inglenook (Low Output)
Overview: HHW05033 Hunter FIRE BAR (LOW LIFT THICK END). Measures 204mm in length. The Kestrel takes 7 bars, Herald Compact 5 takes 6 bars, Herald 5 slimline takes 7 bars, Herald 8 slimline takes 9 bars, Inglenook (Low.....
Based on 4 reviews.
HHW05034 Hunter RIDDLING BAR UPPER | Herald Compact 5 | Herald 5 slimline | Herald 8 slimline | Inglenook (Low Output)
Overview: HHW05033 Hunter FIRE BAR (HIGH LIFT THIN END). Measures 195mm in length. The Kestrel takes 6 bars, Herald Compact 5 takes 5 bars, Herald 5 slimline takes 6 bars, Herald 8 slimline takes 8 bars, Inglenook (Low.....
Based on 5 reviews.
HHR14014 Hunter LOWER RIDDLING BAR | Herald 14 | Inglenook (High Output)
Overview: Hunter LOWER Riddling Bar to fit the Herald 14 and the Inglenook High Output Input MIN Order Quantity to obtain web discount: 2 unit(s). Total quantity of units included in ABOVE displayed price: 1 unit(s). Fits Hunter M.....
Based on 5 reviews.
HHR14015 Hunter UPPER RIDDLING BAR | Herald 14 | Inglenook (High Output)
Overview: Hunter UPPER Riddling Bar to fit the Herald 14 and the Inglenook High Output Input MIN Order Quantity to obtain web discount: 2 unit(s). Total quantity of units included in ABOVE displayed price: 1 unit(s). Fits Hunter M.....
Based on 11 reviews.
Overview: Operating Tool for removing ashpan and riddling grate bars. Fits ALL Hunter models.  Herald - all models Cleanburn - all models Avalon - all models Eco - all models Consort - all models J.....
Based on 10 reviews.
HHR08083 Hunter Catch Bar | Herald 8 | Herald 8 Slimline | Herald 14 | Inglenook - DOUBLE DOOR MODELS
Overview:  Hunter stove spares - Part no HHR08083 - Replacement Catch Bar for Hunter models Herald 8 | Herald 8 Slimline | Herald 14 | Inglenook. Double Door Models This Catch bar is for models with shaped glass, if you have rectangul.....
Based on 1 reviews.
HHR08183 Hunter Catch Bar | Herald 8 | Herald 8 Slimline | Herald 14 | Inglenook - Single and Double Door Models
Overview:  Hunter stove spares - Part no HHR08183 - Replacement Catch Bar for Hunter models Herald 8 | Herald 8 Slimline | Herald 14 | Inglenook. Single Door Models and Double Door models with RECTANGULAR Glass This Catch bar is for S.....
HHR08082 - HUNTER SUPPLIED - GLASS PANEL 245mm X 230mm |  Herald 8 | Herald 8 Slimline | Herald 14 | Inglenook | Avalon 8 Slimline - Two Door Model
Overview:  HHR08082 - Hunter Supplied - GLASS PANEL 245mm X 230mm for the Herald 8, Herald 8 Slimline, Herald 14, Inglenook, Avalon 8 Slimline Two Door Model Input MIN Order Quantity to obtain web discount: 1 unit(s). Total quant.....
HHR08074 - HUNTER SUPPLIED - GLASS PANEL 230mm X 466mm |  Herald 8 | Herald 8 Slimline | Herald 14 | Inglenook | Avalon 8 Slimline - One Door Model
Overview:  HHR08074 - Hunter Supplied - GLASS PANEL 230mm X 466mm for the Herald 8, Herald 8 Slimline, Herald 14, Inglenook, Avalon 8 Slimline Input MIN Order Quantity to obtain web discount: 1 unit(s). Total quantity of units include.....
Based on 2 reviews.
  Overview:  6" Flue Damper. Fits models Herald 8 (all versions) | Herald 6 (all versions) | Herald 14 (all versions) | Herald Inglenook (all versions) | Herald Inglenook High Output | Cleanburn Skagen 6 | Cleanburn Sonderskoven .....
Based on 2 reviews.
HHR08062 Hunter MF FRONT EXTENSION | Herald 8 | Herald 8 Slimline | Herald 14 | Inglenook
Overview: HHR08062 Hunter Herald Multifuel FRONT EXTENSION | Herald 8 | Herald 8 Slimline | Herald 14 | Inglenook MF Extension Function: The Front Extension grate is for larger loads. It fits on top of the grate bars in your .....
Based on 1 reviews.
HHR14014 / HHR14015 Hunter RIDDLING BARS -  FULL SET | Herald 14 | Inglenook (High Output)
Overview:  FULL SET OF 17 x Cast Iron Hunter FIRE BARS (Herald 14 | Inglenook (High Output)) These GRATE bars are for the HUNTER Herald 14 and the Inglenook (High Output) FULL SET OF 17 FIRE BARS - 8 Upper and 9 Lower Lift bars. T.....