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HHR08183 Hunter Catch Bar | Herald 8 | Herald 8 Slimline | Herald 14 | Inglenook - Single and Double Door Models

HHR08183 Hunter Catch Bar | Herald 8 | Herald 8 Slimline | Herald 14 | Inglenook - Single and Double Door Models
Product Code: HHR08183
Availability: 3 - 5 days
Price: £38.28 Excluding VAT Price: £31.90
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Hunter stove spares - Part no HHR08183 - Replacement Catch Bar for Hunter models Herald 8 | Herald 8 Slimline | Herald 14 | Inglenook. Single Door Models and Double Door models with RECTANGULAR Glass

This Catch bar is for SINGLE DOOR models and the DOUBLE DOOR models with rectangular glass, if you have shaped glass please see part number HHR08083

Input MIN Order Quantity to obtain web discount: 1 unit(s). Total quantity of units included in ABOVE displayed price: 1 unit(s).

Fits Hunter Models

Herald 8 CE
Herald 8 CEVII
Herald 8 Slimline CE
Herald 8 Slimline CEVII
Herald 8 with wrap around boiler CE
Herald 8 with wrap around boiler CEVII
Herald 14 with wrap around boiler CE
Herald 14 with wrap around boiler CEVII
Herald 14 CE
Herald 14 CEVII
Inglenook CE
Inglenook CEVII
Inglenook High Output
Herald 8 Double sided Single depth
Herald 8 Double sided Double depth
Herald 14 Double sided Single depthHerald 14 Double sided Double depthrebar Function:

