Delighted with the Firepart team. They were helpful in deciding which fire I needed and dispatched on time and arrived before forecast date. Thank you.
Baxi 22'' Burnall Grate. Measurements of the Baxi 22 inch Burnall Grate are: 250 (side) x 475mm (Front) x 390mm (back). The grate is 'Tapered' (wider at the front)
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Baxi 24'' Burnall Grate. Measurements of the Baxi 24 inch Burnall Grate are: 245 (side) x 525mm (Front) x 430mm (back). The grate is 'Tapered' (wider at the front)
Input MIN Order Quantity to obtain web discount: 1 unit(s)......
GRANT 16'' Triple Pass Grate. Height : 25mm | Width (Front) : 400mm | Taper (Back) :308mm | Depth:303mm (Width/Taper are measured at widest points)
Input MIN Order Quantity to obtain web discount: 1 unit(s). Total quantity o.....
Dunsley ENTERPRISE 18'' Bottom Grate. Measurements of the Dunsley ENTERPRISE 18 inch Grate are: 300mm (Front to back) x 410mm (Width). The grate is FLAT
Input MIN Order Quantity to obtain web discount: 1 unit(s). Total.....
LARGE DOG Bottom Grate. Measurements of the DOG Grate are: 275 (Front to back) x 440mm (Front) x 440mm (back). The grate is FLAT
Input MIN Order Quantity to obtain web discount: 1 unit(s). Total quantity of units included in ABOV.....
Trianco Part No: 32000. Trianco Replacement Grate Bottom ONE PIECE to fit: Trianco Redfyre +5 (Roomheater).
Input MIN Order Quantity to obtain web discount: 1 unit(s). Total quantity of units included in ABOVE displayed pri.....
Grahamston Grant Triple Pass Grate 18 Inch
Height : 27mm | Width(Front) : 443mm | Taper(Back) : 343mm | Depth : 310mm (Width/Taper are measured at widest points)
Input MIN Order Quantity to obtain web discount: 1 unit(s). Tot.....
Parkray Log Retainer for the Aspect 4 Double Sided Single Depth and Aspect the Aspect 4 Double Sided Double Depth. WOOD ONLY
Log Retainer Function:
The 'Log Retainer' is to be fitted when burning wood in order to hold the log.....
Cromwell 18" Dog Grate | Open Fire Basket
18" Cromwell (Black) Dog Grate for use with Solid Fuel (Coal or Wood). Manufactured from Cast Iron and finished in Matt Black. The 'Cromwell 18" Fire Basket Grate fits into any Standard.....
F1045 Rayburn Rembrandt Grate Bottom to fit the 18 Inch fire.
Width: 400mm
Depth: 190mm
Taper: 320mm
Note: 18" is the width of the Rembrandt Fire and NOT the grate, please check grate sizes.
ECIC04DS078 Parkray Grate | Aspect 4 Double Sided Single Depth. This static grate is FLAT and is also included in the Multifuel Kit.
Grate Functi.....
ASMF06ARRT003 PARKRAY Multifuel Grate for use in the Aspect 6 (Eco MK1) with Multifuel Conversion Kit pre 2022
The PARKRAY Multifuel Grate is for use in the pre 2022 Multifuel Conversion Kit
Parkray Log Retainer for the Aspect 4 and Aspect 4 Compact - NON Eco models including woodburner.
Log Retainer Function:
The 'Log Retainer' is to be fitted when burning wood in order to hold the logs in place.
ECIR04DD078 Parkray Grate | Aspect 4 Double Sided Double Depth. This static grate is FLAT and is also included in the Multifuel Kit.
Grate Fu.....
This is a ONE piece 'tapered' Grate - it is wider at the front than the back. Parkray have now stopped manufacturing this grate. They are being reproduced / cast however by a smal.....
The ACMF05ARRT004 Parkray Grate for the Aspect 5 Compact (Eco). You can also purchase this grate as part of the Conversion Kit with part number CKPA5C
Fits Parkray Models
Aspect 5 Compact (Eco)
Grate Function:
ASMF05ARRT004 PARKRAY Multifuel Grate for use in the Aspect 5 Standard (Eco MK1) with Multifuel Conversion Kit pre 2022
The PARKRAY Multifuel Grate is for use in the pre 2022 Multifuel Conversion Kit
The ASMF04ARRT004 Parkray Grate for the Aspect 4 (Eco MK1) from Hunter Stoves. This part fits the PRE 2022 Multifule Kit
Grate Function:
The Grate supports the fuel for burning.
Little Wenlock Mk1 Grate - Size: 310mm wide x 290mm deep x 85mm high
Grate Function:
The 'Grate' supports the Fuel (from falling into the Ashpan) when it is burning. Some appliances have a single ONE piece grate and other.....
MOORHEAT Bottom Grate. Measurements of the MOORHEAT Grate are: Width: 381mm Depth: 229mm Taper: 381mm. The Moorheat Grate has 2 legs.
Grate Function:
The 'Grate' supports the Fuel (from falling into the Ashpan) when it is bur.....
Firemaster GRATE to suit the COALBURN 31 and REGAL CANOPY fires. Dimensions are Width - 380mm, Length - 350mm, Height - 30mm
Grate Function:
The grate supports the fuel and stops it from falling into the ashpan.
Esse BRAMBLE BOTTOM GRATE . Dimensions are Width - 370mm, Length - 280mm, Height - 15mm
Grate Function:
The grate supports the fuel and stops it from falling into the ashpan.
MOORHEAT Bottom Grate. Measurements of the MOORHEAT Grate are: 300mm (Front to back) x 367mm (Wide) x 150mm (High). The Moorheat Grate has 2 legs.
Grate Function:
The 'Grate' supports the Fuel (from falling into the Ashpan) w.....
MORSO PANTHER Bottom Grate. Measurements of the PETAL STYLE MORSO PANTHER Riddling Grate is 8" Diameter. The grate is FLAT
Input MIN Order Quantity to obtain web discount: 1 unit(s). Total quantity of units included in ABOVE.....
QUEEN 51 Bottom Grate. Measurements of the QUEEN 51 Grate are: 250mm (Front to back) x 290mm (Wide) x 25mm (High). The grate is FLAT
Grate Function:
The 'Grate' supports the Fuel (from falling into the Ashpan) when it is burn.....
Chrome iron Riddling / Centre Grate to suit several Morso stoves. 200mm | 7.9" (inches)
The grate sits at the bottom of the stove and supports the burning fuel. This should be riddled regularly.
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16 Queen 51 Grate with 2 legs. Dimensions are :
Width: 290mm
Length: 245mm
Height: 120mm
Input MIN Order Quantity to obtain web discount: 1 unit(s). Total quantity of units included in ABOVE.....
The ASMF04012 Parkray Grate for the Aspect 4 (Eco MK2) from Hunter Stoves. This part fits the POST 2022 Multifule Kit
Grate Function:
The Grate supports the fuel for burning.